Posted in Thought Bubbles

Blog Post #13 – Everyone is unique.

Note: Rumblings ahead

It’s kind of frustrating when you don’t get the response that you want from someone whom you expect to respond in a certain way. As an overthinker, it makes me think if I was not clear enough with what I am asking or requesting or is the person blatantly ignoring me or is there a miscommunication.

A few days ago, I’ve had a talk with my boyfriend regarding a similar issue. It was weird that I pointed out that maybe the person is not acting on something that is raised because he has his own timing in doing things and that we get frustrated because that is not what we were expecting from the person. We were made to think that a person will act the same way as us if we’re in the situation which is very wrong because we are different people – even twins have their differences. Everyone is unique. And now that I recall this, somehow, I felt guilty for feeling frustrated.

With this, I’ll be mindful of my emotions. I’ll try to understand the person more before reaching any conclusion or think about a lot of things. I’ll try reaching out again tomorrow. Maybe there is just something that I am missing to understand.