Posted in Something personal!, Thought Bubbles

Blog Post #26 – D-Day Countdown

I am supposed to be excited but somehow I have a mixed feeling about this era ending.

I am happy and excited for the upcoming upgrade and learning but somehow I can’t help but think and be worried if I can really manage. It is not helping that I am having some health problems recently and that I am so stressed because of what my soon-to-be ex-leaders want me to accomplish before my D-Day.

I have added a D-Day countdown in my work calendar. I felt sad though for the people and the relationships that I will leave behind but it is what it is. Sometimes we have to make difficult life-changing decisions to grow.

Posted in Thought Bubbles

Blog Post #25 – Something is missing

Today, I was able to do a lot – cleaned the house, managed my finances, watched my favorite show as of the moment and listened to good music. I feel like I am very productive but still there is something missing. Would this be my weekends for the rest of my life? Or maybe I am just overthinking.

I feel like there should be something else that I should be doing. I just do not know what. Maybe handling that specific task that I am so fed-up made me want to think things through. It made me ask myself, ” what do I really want to do?”.

I have been doing a specific process since 2015 in different industries. I am getting bored of it and I feel like I am no longer growing but it does pay the bills. It is where I get promoted. It is just that I am not liking what I am doing right now. It’s frustrating. Yet, I do not know what to do.

I tried enrolling to MBA but then the school suddenly had an issue and I feel like my effort and resources will be wasted if I get attached to that institution so I quit right before starting the classes. I do not even feel a thing about the cancellation though. It’s like, I badly wanted it at the start but I felt meh when we decided to cut our losses.

I just don’t know what to do. I really feel like there is something missing….